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Costa Rica
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$17.00 $21.99

Indulge in a truly memorable coffee experience with our Guatemala blend. Grown in the fertile mountains of Central America, this coffee is renowned for its balanced and rich flavor profile. With notes of chocolate and nutty undertones, our Guatemala blend will provide a satisfying and enjoyable start to your day. And, because we believe in ethically sourced products, our Guatemala coffee is made with beans that are sustainably grown and fairly traded. So why settle for an average cup of coffee when you can have one that is both delicious and responsibly sourced? Invest in a bag of our Guatemala blend today and taste the difference for yourself. Experience the rich and balanced flavor that only the finest coffee from Guatemala can provide.


Certification/Grading: SHB

Roast: Medium

Tasting Profile: Dark chocolate, bright fruit, butterscotch.

Grower: Smallholder farmers from Antigua

Variety: Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, & Typica

Region: Antigua Guatemala

Altitude: 1200-1616 M

Soil Type: Volcanic Loam

Process: Fully washed and sun dried.